Thesis Proposals
Development of New Tools Based on Chemometrics and Machine Learning for the Analysis of Spectroscopy Data
New Materials and Processes for Green Electronics (in collaboration with prof. Torricelli)
Optical Nanoantennas and Metamaterials (in collaboration with prof. De Angelis)
Phase Change Materials (in collaboration with prof. De Ceglia)
Development of Electrocatalysts for the Production of Energy Vectors
Synthesis and Characterization of Halide Perovskites
Development of Hybrid Catalysts Based on Enzymes and Nanoparticles
Green Extraction of Keratin for the Development of Sensors and Adsorbents of Pollutants in Water
Nanocomposites Based on Polysaccharides for the Removal of Pollutants and Pathogens from Water
Hydrogels from Natural Polysaccharides and Food-Waste for Biosensing
Raman and FTIR Spectroscopy of Antioxidants, Neurotransmitters and Pharmaceutical Compounds
For further information, please contact
prof. Ivano Alessandri (
Irene Vassalini (